Next Folio Society order March 30! Use code SPRING2025 for 5% off!

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We Buy Books!!!

Are you looking to sell some of your books? We buy Folio Society, Easton Press, Suntup, Suberterranean Press, Centipede Press, Grim Oak Press, and Phantasia Press. Text or e-mail us information, pictures or to set up a time to view the books. If you have books that are other publishers you can e-mail or text us with pictures, the age, description, or date of publishing. You can also contact us by e-mail or text to set up an appointment for us to come to you anywhere on Vancouver Island to buy your books. We travel to Victoria, Duncan, Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach, Port Alberni, Comox, Campbell River and anywhere in between.

Special trips to Tofino, Powell River or Vancouver can also be arranged.